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NameShouts for Sales

Get to know
your clients

Used by hundreds of
leading organizations, including:

Take your customer experience to the
next level.

Show your clients that you care about who they are and where they're going. Build a more inclusive workplace and increase your company's efficiency. It starts with names.

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Making Lists

Create a list of names to get prepared for a day of calls or interviews.

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Work Together

Bring your team together to prepare for the day.

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Powered by the most
comprehensive database out there.

NameShouts isn’t crowd-sourced or AI-generated. We work with experts to build our database, ensuring its authenticity and accuracy - all so you can pronounce names.

Verified pronunciations from native speakers and linguists;
Hundreds of thousands of names in 20+ languages;
Audio and phonetic name pronunciations for every name.
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“As a Subrogation Adjuster for a major insurance carrier, I utilize [NameShouts] to establish a better rapport with our insureds. The ability to properly pronounce a member's name makes a good and lasting impression. We use the tool daily.”

Allison S. |  Insurance & Services